Friday, September 4, 2020

September start..

It's been rocky the last few weeks and will share soon. Keeping busy is the key. Creating content and promoting. Using bloggin to help express myself in what im drawing, illustrating. Over the thirty mark page of POWER PUNCH BOOT CAMP 2. Creating more content with Alleycat and now have launch my for more non comic brand. -ALE

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Sunday mothers dayyy

its a bit of an odd rainy mothers day kinda sunday while during  a shutdown nation wide. More of keeping busy. Creating content of artwork rather it be traditional or digital illustration. I see more clients needing  logos more as jobs are shifting. Creating branding logos is my  go to. Beside  work related. creating content for creator own. Rather it be for product selling or just more for fun. I find an outlet with my ALLEYCAT with stickers and apparel design. i feel more of what  comfort of creating ALLEYCAT that it keeps me productive in between client work. todays posting on my work is also more of wishing and thanking all of mothers out that do so much around for children as much as they can. Thanks mom! aka   dc villan captain cold with love :)

Thursday, May 7, 2020

quarantine life of the artist

Im find myself to be extra creative to keep busy during this shutdown and staying inside. To be able to sell products on both my and  as well as my  it been very cool to keep  busy.  its work and it trying to create content that isnt  what everyone else is doing or at least in style wise with fan art. keeping optimistic and just consistent is my goal.  Personally i feel scattered.. Hell even typing is outta my norm and hoping to continue. i added this picture to add  my scene  of humor with Bender punching a Lion. 

Friday, January 10, 2020

posting friday...

Winding down the week to the weekend... As A Freelancer. i don't know what that means? I pretty much work all 7 days. Like the mail man bringing your mail. rather sun, rain or snow. Your making something for someone and getting it out there. waiting for proofs for comic covers and interior pages. between that and adding logos of the start. keeping busy. -ale

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Please allow me to excuse myself...

Returning 8 days back from the new year and new purpose. Ive haven't post on a Blog page in more then 6 plus years. Im wowed to see that BLOGGER is owned by google. Please allow me to excuse myself! Ive been away writing about my delaying post. More visual post via instagram and face book and sometimes Facebook. Socially still awkward in personal relationship as well as group function. My pops passed... Im still in the South side of Chicago. Not a problem? is it? Im more comfortable in expressing my art style to grow. what does that mean? im searching for new styles growth. Looking to work outside my group. Being able to grow. Working freelance is still an up and down world im learning. Comic relating growing in the last few years. Creating VIKING Ocean Marauders and DnD environment. The Element Factor is a game show for super heros in the mid 2000s. Fast forward towards the end of 2000s working overseas was the newest working with and awesome creator on her graphic novel open up doors of creating more outlets. Getting to complete a graphic novel to creating a sequel as well as a crossover meeting my creator own characters to meet. Being in the age of social media including growing audience adding on to crowdfunding was added. Able to use KICKSTARTER to the mix. more to post...